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Audax Immergas is an instruction booklet for the Audax Immergas mountain bike. It covers the basics of mountain biking, including how to ride safely and effectively, tips for mountain bike trails, and how to repair and maintain your bike. The Audax Immergas instructions are as follows: -Fill the tank with fuel -Start the engine -Set the speed to the lowest possible setting -Wait for the engine to cool down -Check the oil level -Check the tire pressure -Pump the brakes -Apply the hand brake -Switch off the engine -Remove the key from the ignition -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor -Remove the fuel pump -Remove the spark plug -Remove the air filter -Remove the carburetor 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